
AllisonWhat is a tool? It is something to help you do something.

When I had my stroke, I was adamant about not having a wheelchair. All my doctors, nurses, family and friends told me it would allow me to do things on my own. I said “no.” Then, I was told I had to get to therapy on my own. Mmmmm. I guess I had to use a wheelchair. I then used the wheelchair to go to Bingo one evening, each week. They were right.

Now, I am walking without a cane, but have a Trendelenburg gait (think Mea West) and furniture walk. When I go to pt therapy, they have me use a cane and I walk fine. Using a cane would allow me the independence I do not have yet, due to my balance or lack there of. I was told it’s just a “tool” until I train my body to walk normal again and then it will go away. Mmmmm.

What tool has helped you?

Would you do it if it gave you freedom?



AllisonFriendship helps heal. Motivation and encouragement is also wonderful. Don’t be afraid of Stroke survivors, they need you more than ever.

Although there are many forms of friendship, some of which may vary from place to place, certain characteristics are present in many types of friendship. Such characteristics include affection, sympathy, empathy, honesty, altruism, mutual understanding and compassion, enjoyment of each other’s company, trust, and the ability to be oneself, express one’s feelings, and make mistakes without fear of judgment from the friend.

Don’t walk away; I am so fortunate, friends before my stroke are still my friends and they treat me the same. They love me, for me.

Do you know someone who has been touched by Stroke? Have you walked towards them or away? Think about how you would want to be treated.

I have heard from people I have not been in touch with in some time. I think my Stroke brought into focus just how fragile life is.



Mark Your Calendars

AllisonI am pleased to be part of the planning committee for this special event celebrating the Stroke Comeback Center’s 10th anniversary.

Please plan to join me in October. Please forward this email to others who should attend & send me the names of other potential supporters & sponsors.

The Center provides stroke rehab services to survivors after their insurance has run out.  We are very lucky to have the Center in our area — there are fewer than 10 in all of the U.S. & Canada!

To learn more about the Stroke Comeback Center visit:  You can call me, or the Center at 703-255-5221 or email: .

See you in October!

Save the Date!

Stroke Comeback Center

10 year Anniversary Celebration

The Art of Communicating

Thursday, October 30, 2014

6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

USA TODAY Headquarters

7950 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, Virginia