
AllisonWhat is a tool? It is something to help you do something.

When I had my stroke, I was adamant about not having a wheelchair. All my doctors, nurses, family and friends told me it would allow me to do things on my own. I said “no.” Then, I was told I had to get to therapy on my own. Mmmmm. I guess I had to use a wheelchair. I then used the wheelchair to go to Bingo one evening, each week. They were right.

Now, I am walking without a cane, but have a Trendelenburg gait (think Mea West) and furniture walk. When I go to pt therapy, they have me use a cane and I walk fine. Using a cane would allow me the independence I do not have yet, due to my balance or lack there of. I was told it’s just a “tool” until I train my body to walk normal again and then it will go away. Mmmmm.

What tool has helped you?

Would you do it if it gave you freedom?


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